Monday, January 19, 2009

ok, not planning to blog everyday, cause i find it damn siao:)


our class was the second last for the camp-.- but nvm, we enjoyed it!

the prize was an inflatable pillow and a glass bottle of brown rice milk...

our class flag was stapled up on the notice board today by me and aylwyn :D

i will make a very brief introduction of our trip:) cuz i have no mood to type...

KOREF trip:

2 hours bus trip ok. it was horrible-.- was not with r5 cuz full, so i met jarratt in the c1 bus and then we slept till we reached :)
- Pitch tents
this was very easy, made it in 10 minutes. Tentmates = aylwyn, guoyi, zhongkai, yan hong, abbas OMFG!!!!
- Ate lunch
Brown rice... cool, and comes from their own farm
- Bamboo Rafting
Rafted with aylwyn, haha, we are damn good, jianjun tried to topple us over and then their raft got stuck under our raft so they toppled instead... AHAHAHA!!! then later rafted wif alison... the longest distance rafting journey ever :) lost my shoes:) alison... tsktsktsk!
- Dinner
also brown rice, but got more dishes and was more organised... got some funny drink
- Night trekking
ok, this is STUPID! our sl, petrina was supposed to lead us in the front, but she say she scared (it was kinda scary in the start, but i found out like every 10 metres got some camp instructors hiding-.- lame), so she went to theback and made me walk in thee front. WTH! but nvm, cuz abbas wif me walking. he randomly stepped on mud out of nowhere, then i used the light from my watch to shine the way for my classmates... haha! it worked!
- Sleep
ok, this is totally screwed up. Abbas was kicking me like a toy twice-.- he kicked me first time then i dun care cuz tired... then second time... kick me (nvm lar)... then leave your leg on me(screw you -_-)... so i moved his leg away... and followed by a LOUD snore from him... so in this duration he was totally dreaming-.-

- Breakfast
ok, we had nasi lemak for breakfast, didnt expect it... totally nothing for me to eat cause vegetarian and had no vegetable or whatsoever. only ate rice and peanuts. didnt eat chilli cuz my throat will start to hurt...
- Raft Building
This was kinda stupid, we expected our raft to float, then we didnt have enuff strings and time so it was a totall screwed up raft... only raft in the whole sec 3 cohort which didnt manage to float amazing o.O
- Lunch
aiya... forget wat we ate
- Mountain climbing
HOHOHO! i wanna go climb another mountain, as in seriously! we took a class photo at the summit and the mid point :) the second part of the mountain climb was horribly steep... i so good lor helped alot of people :X then i was climbing like crazy hahaha! i climbed like 8 metres in 5 seconds AMAZING!!! school shld make new cca: mountain hiking.I be the Section leader!
- Bathing
when we reached back, the toilet were ALL empty so i went to use 1 to wash my hair... i lent from mutarza shampoo cuz i lazy to take mine, then wash halfway go give back the shampoo, so my head still had foam! hehe! sorry alfred, some foam flew to you.... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
- Dinner
i cant remember wat thing, but we were are very tired liao...
- Campfire
flea, flea fly, flea fly mosquito!
we did alot of cheers, cant remember... our class cheer was the shortest and many people were booing us (heck care u)
- Night
i went to jonah tent to play taiti then we argued wif his classmates next "door" then shaozheng came and ask us want to eat the supper anot, say its very nice so we ask him to help us take. he came back wif a plastic bag wif the food. its heavenly in a place like that!!! then we play halfway taiti, shaozheng was sniffing the plastic bag like sniffing glue then he looked like some kinda drug addict so we started laughing...
- Sleep
arh! i made a right decision of sleeping at the same direction wif abbas, it was a PERFECT night!!!! wooohooo!!!

- Breakfast
i cant remember, think was nasi lemak again, but got nice milo...
- Pitch removing
this was quite tough, cause we had to dry the tent, but farris said nvm, waste time 1, so we just fold everything up and stuff it in the bag :D
- Asli water Obstacle course
this was damn fun and wet, haha!
- Inter-class competition
captain ball... we won in the start cuz we were pure lucky^.^
won to c1 3-2
lost to i1 0-1
- Lunch
cant b bothered to discuss bout lunch
- Back to Singapore
2 hour Bus ride again... haha, this time, in the journey i learnt 2 new cold jokes from their instructor ._.
- CD shelter
went back CD shelter to waste time there, was tired and found a use for my sleeping bag ^&^ then i stole elly's keroro pillow.... its nice to sleep on! then kinwee lend me his phone to hear a lullaby... make me awake, cuz the song damn sad... then minghui and kinwee accompanied me in my journey to sleep...

HAHAHAHAHAHA! i was supposed to make a brief 1 but never... nvm, doesnt matter... ok, shall continue my ss mindmap :)

no 1 tag me... i shall go taggy taggy people

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