Sunday, March 28, 2010

I think, that the worst point of life is when you start to have alot of stress, but have no one to share with, and day by day, it snowballs and gets harder and harder to maintain your life without thinking about all your stress daily.
Having no family, no friends to share with, it actually makes you sad, lonely and usually makes you want to cry. Its like the word "You will suffer and feel pain" and worst is that there isn't a full-stop in it. And then suddenly your friend just randomly calls you up, and you hope that they knew something happened to you and then to your own dismay, they are looking for you for help in their problems too.
In the past, you are also like them, sharing your problems with your friends daily, but as time goes on, many things even if told, cannot be helped with.
Letting someone know your stress and stuffs is just a short term feeling of being relaxed and relieve. After awhile, you'll feel stress once more and then tell another friend of yours, and it goes on and on till all your friends know it.
Sadly, even friends and counsellors have stress as well, so no one has the perfect advice which will help you to get over it and deal with it the right way.
As a teenager now, the main worries are often but not always, studies, relationships, friends and family. As an adult in the future, there will be more things you'll begin to worry about. Even people who fool around, make funny faces, make jokes, seem relaxed, are also people who have stress, its just that over the years, they learned how to cover up all of their worries and sadness.
Life is short, try to notice more of your surroundings and not quarrel or argue over small matters. Don't always argue over minor matters and end up being the one who get hurt the most.
Maximise laughter and joy, minimise tears and cries. This is what i feel life is for.
I have recently made a mistake, a very grave mistake.
I chose to try to be self-reliant and not get help from friends or anyone but actually, i thought it over and over, and felt that you really NEED someone like a friend or family to be there and be that one who you call always go to in times of crisis.
So don't bottle things up like i did, it would really screw your emotions up and cause you to go into a stat where friends will just call you "siao".

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